Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Day 3- ON MY WAY

Day 3........................................

SO this week..I turned 27... Not really sure if its really an exciting age? BUT I am hoping its a good year for me. Healthy year =) Got a pedicure with my twinster and some friends then we had an awesome dinner with all our friends and had some birthday drinks. I realized my twin and I have some of the most amazing people in our lives. I always look forward to the good times with my/our friends. =)

.....Next week I will be doing a detox. Not just a food detox but a facebook detox too ha! No facebook for a week. I also made a goal board which hangs in my room!

Some may think ok big deal but we all know facebook is addictive. So part of this food detox is to also have mental well being and relaxation. So I plan to do just that. Light exercise, stretching, some yoga and breathing techniques. Along with this 7 day detox, I can not have anything besides fruits (3 servings a day) and all the veggies I want. Protein is only eaten if needed and minimal and only after three days.......

Detox is VERY difficult for me but at the same time I love day 7. So this detox will begin Tuesday. Sunday I plan to get all my groceries. Im excited too because Jess, my twinster, is doing this with me. We joined a weight loss/life style change! Were both nervous but excited to start the journey of weight loss together. We are so ready to be healthy , 100 %. So wish us luck with this new change!  Ive done the weight loss thing before but this will be the first time Jess and I do it together. So Im excited.

SO far on this journey of mine the one thing I have noticed is the stress that has lifted. I feel like the air is starting to clear and that I am on the right track. Today I met with a hypnotist. I know it sounds nuts but I wanted to know what they were about. It is definitely NOT what you see in the movies. No trance no couch. Its about positive attitude. Teaching yourself that you CAN be in control. Teaches yourself to say positive things to yourself and to delete the negative thoughts. It sounded pretty awesome but it was also a little costly. So , I was glad to know that kind of stuff is available but at this time I can for sure not afford it. So, until next time!

What I am Thankful For:

Birthdays and when Chris has a day off so we can spend time together like TODAY!


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